PLEASE NOTE: This vacancy is for a Mencap affiliated Network Partner and not for Royal Mencap Society. Network Partners sign up to a terms of membership and pay a membership fee to subscribe Royal Mencap Society’s Network and each local group is a separate and independent charity within their own right. As part of the group’s membership, they have the opportunity to advertise their vacancies on the Royal Mencap Society jobs website.
We encourage all applicants to apply directly to the group and the contact details provided by the group as stated on this job advert.
If you choose to click on the “Apply” button, you give Royal Mencap Society consent to forward your application (CV) and your personal details to the relevant local group on your behalf. Your information will only be shared for the purpose of recruitment.
Once your personal details have been shared you can request to have your details removed by contacting the Network Partner directly.
Applicants interested in jobs advertised by affiliated Network Partners should note that any logos referring to quality standards apply to RMS only. If you have a question relating to a Network Partner’s quality accreditations, you should contact them directly.
We wish you the best with your Network Partner application.